The Best Class to Use in 5e One-Shot Adventures

Best Class to Use in 5e One-Shot Adventures

One-shot adventures in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition offer players the chance to play new classes and try unique builds outside of their main campaigns. They also allow new players to get a feel for how the game plays and its ruleset in an enclosed environment where the story does not have to affect future … Read more

The Best Spells to Use in One-Shot Adventures in 5e DnD

One-Shot adventures in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition are fundamentally different from main campaign adventures. Main campaigns are long format and allow for many rest breaks to take place during the adventure, refilling any spell slots and recovering missing health. On the other hand, one-shots are short-format where rest points are much less frequent and … Read more

The 10 Best Ice Spells in 5e DnD

best ice spells 5e dnd

The multiverse of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition is a realm of wonder and boundless possibilities for spellcasters to weave their magic. Among the vast array of spells, the element of ice stands out as a potent force, capable of freezing foes in their tracks, chilling them to the bone, and turning the battlefield into … Read more

The 10 Best Poison Spells in 5e DnD

top poison spells in 5e dnd

The multiversal playing fields of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition are vast and diverse, offering spellcasters a myriad of options to experience their characters’ lives. Among the various elements of the spell list, poison spells hold a special place as they bring forth the deadly and enigmatic power of venom to cripple, incapacitate, and vanquish … Read more

The 10 Best Acid Spells in 5e Dnd

Best Acid Spells in 5e Dnd

The multiversal playing fields of Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition are vast and diverse for spellcasters to experience their characters’ lives. The myriad of awe-inspiring spells leads to the ability to flavor your character around several aspects of the spell list, including the element your character is privy to using.  Among these various elements, acid … Read more

The Best One-Shots for Beginner Players in 5e DnD

One-Shots for Beginner Players in 5e DnD

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition is known for its widespread lore and large adventures that puts players in the middle of the story. While full campaigns are fun, they can also be daunting for both players and Dungeon Masters, and this is especially true for beginners of the game. For those that fall into the … Read more

The Best Level 20 Builds in DnD 5e

Level 20 Builds in DnD 5e

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition offers players the chance to take on the role of powerful characters that they build from the ground up to experience the game’s stories. The ultimate goal for all adventurers is to reach level 20- a goal that is not always obtained from a level 1 starting character but is … Read more

The Best Level 15 Builds in DnD 5e

top Level 15 Builds in DnD 5e

Level 15 in Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition marks a significant power grab for players upon reaching the milestone. If your character has not already made a name for themselves in your campaign, this is the point where you will do it. While not quite a god killer yet, a party of level 15 characters … Read more

The Best Level 10 Builds in 5e DnD

Level 10 Builds in 5e

Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition offers players a plethora of build options to suit any needs they may want to be fulfilled. However, not all classes are created equally, and some players will prefer to be the strongest at the table before anything else. Additionally, power scaling changes with each level, with massive improvements becoming … Read more

How to make a strong Blastlock in 5e DnD

Eldritch Blast is a powerful spell for Warlocks, so much so that some players choose to create a character that revolves around making their Eldritch Blasts as strong as possible. If this idea sounds appealing to you, then consider following our guide to building your very own Blastlock. Blastlocks excel at dealing ranged damage and … Read more